What does a wedding photographer do during the winter break from wedding and portraits seasons? Spend five hours exploring an abandoned coal breaker of course! On this 27 degree New Years Eve day, I had the opportunity to revisit one of my favorite abandoned locations. It was a great way to end a great year. […]

Weddings and portraits are what I shoot for you. Abandoned properties are what I shoot for me! I am fascinated by the history of America. The stories that are told through the art of decay are strong ones. Stories about American titans of industry. Stories about when we lost our way. This post features selections […]

A few months back I posted the first section of my series on abandoned buildings. This is part two. When I am not out shooting portraits, engagements and weddings, I like to capture amazing abandoned properties with rich histories before they are demolished or repurposed. This set includes some darker images from darker stories of […]