I have known both Lauren and Kyle separately my whole life. Kyle and I went to the same church and Lauren I worked on some projects in high school together. We wanted to do something really special for their engagement. Kyle’s family has a house in Sea Isle City, NJ so they had the wonderful idea of […]

Trista and Mitch were introduced to my by my fiance’s brother. They were a great couple who love the Phillies and were looking for a neat location for their engagement. It just so happens we have a wonderful forest up here in Pennsylvania called Nolde. It has woods, water, a mansion and more paths than you can […]

Chris and I have been friends for longer than I can remember. He and Erin have been dating as long as I can remember too! I am thrilled for them both that they are engaged and getting married. Chris works at the Bollman Hat Factory in Adamstown, PA with his father. His father has been […]